What are some tips for writing content for a website?


Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu

It should come as no shock that writing content for your website isn’t a one size fits all; however, most websites do abide by a general format. I have included some tips on information that would be advantageous for you to incorporate into your own website. Structure your content like an upside-down pyramid meaning most important messages go at the top of the page. Then, gradually drill down to the more specific, supporting information. End with tangential details. 

Your homepage should provide introductory page content such as promotions or a summary. On the about page, be sure to include details like history, mission, vision, and biography. It is also essential to provide a space on your website for reviews/testimonials as consumers have reported they are 90% likely to read online reviews before visiting a business. You can link your webpage to Angie’s List, Yelp, Google Reviews, etc in order to encourage feedback. In the age of digital media, it is also key that you provide external links to various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Instagram. Additionally, providing a Portfolio or Photo Gallery Page would be advantageous for SEO and branding purposes. Images also help break up text, making your page easier to read. We recommend having at least one image on each page of your website.

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